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Benefits of joining this program

  • Ongoing personal growth sessions throughout the year in person

  • Sisterhood and connection 

  • Community Service

  • Financial Literacy

Benefits of joining this program

  • 5 week Leadership Training Workshops

  • 8 week Internship Opportunity

  • Hands On Work Experience

  • Confidence Builder

  • Financial Stipend at the end of Program

DreamHer Summer Camp

See what cmapers and parents have to say...

"My biggest takeaway was that putting myself before others is not selfish. It's a part of self-care." -Camper

"I learned how to budget, save money, and crochet. I enjoyed almost everything." -Camper

"My daughter is a naturally shy person, and Covid really delayed her social skills. She has anxiety about making friends, and this camp has really helped to give her confidence." -Parent

Girl Boss Event

This event helped budding women business owners to see their potential and gained insight from two trailblazing women creating a lane for themselves.

Financial LitHERacy Bootcamp

Partnering with Credit Union of Texas, we helped girls ages 10-17 learn the basics of budgeting, banking, and opportunities of earning their own money.